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I started cloth diapering my son when he was five months old (hes 11 months now) because that’s when I got interested in it. I was tired of buying diapers and I was tired of him getting diaper rash. Turing to my good friend who cloth diapered and asked her to help me get started. It's not a cheap to get started on cloth diapers but if you are an expectant mother who hasn’t had your shower yet I recommend having a diaper raffle and having everyone bring one cloth diaper (instead of a traditional box of diapers) and that will help you build a good "stash". In my opinion, you will want at last a stash of 18-20 diapers if not more so that you can avoid washing daily. I personally only knew one person who was cloth diapering when I started so I followed her lead and bought the same diapers she did. I started with only one and used it once a day- every day (yes, I washed it every day, such a pain!) for about a week before I decided if cloth diapering was for me. By the end of the week I was so excited about cloth diapering my son that I went full force. I purchased four diapers, and both mine and Mr. Hunky’s parents graciously bought us 6 diapers each. Within another week we had a total of 16 diapers and switched into the realm of exclusively cloth diapering. We went with BumGenius 4.0s which is a pocket diaper, which for those of you that have no clue what I’m talking about, basically means that there are two inserts that come with the diaper that you can use (regular and newborn, I always use both to double it up).
When choosing your cloth diapers it is also important to think about what type of closure that you will want for them. Cloth diapers come in snaps as well as Velcro (commonly know as aplix or “hook and loop”). In this household, we are a fan of the snaps because they insure that the baby will not be able to open the diaper on their own and because I feel as though they are more secure on the baby. Along with my stash of BumGenius 4.0’s, I've also bought a small stash of Flip diapers which are made by BumGenius. Flip Diapers are hybrid diapers so you can either use a liner or a disposable liner in them. The flip liners can be folded so that they fit the diaper whether the baby is wearing size small, medium, or large.I use them as filler diapers- for example if my son just got out of the bath and still has an hour until bed time- then I'll use a flip instead of wasting a regular 4.0 diaper.
We also have some cloth diapers called Pre-folds. Pre-folds are the old fashioned cloth diapers- essentially a burp cloth- and are used with a diaper cover (the flip covers are what I use when I do pre-folds) but it is important to keep in mind that you always want to use an additional fleece liner on top of the pre-fold because the fleece wicks away the moisture from your little one’s booty allowing them to stay dryer and not have the acidity of their pee irritate their skin. You'll notice that all cloth diapers such as the 4.0’s and the flip inserts already have a type of fleece on the inside so you will not have to purchase additional fleece liners for those. Whether you use pocket diapers, flip hybrid diapers or pre-folds, they will all feel different on your baby. For us, the pre-folds are very bulky as oppose to the 4.0s. See photos below for the variation in bulkiness.
I have a small covered trash can that I keep in the laundry room, lined with a garbage bag (they make actual "diaper pails and diaper pail liners" but the point- at least for me- is to save money not spend it! And those things are pricy!). So when a diaper is soiled I simply toss it in my covered trash can and wash diapers when it gets full or I am close to being out in my stash.
When I am washing the diapers I spray the inside of the covered trash can with Lysol Disinfectant Spray to kill the germs and also get rid of the ammonia smell. Once the diapers are washed, I try to avoid drying them in the dryer, I prefer to dry them on a drying rack outside, but sometimes with the monsoon season or if I’m doing diapers late in the day, it just isn’t possible. Drying them in the sun- or "sunning" the diapers also helps get any soil stains out of the diaper and the liners.
When the baby poops there are two common ways to take care of it- you can either buy an attachment that hooks to the back of your toilet and spray the poop into the toilet (attachment retails for approximately $50) or you can do what I do and use a diaper liner (they're about $6 for a roll of 100). A diaper liner literally looks like a dryer sheet and sits inside of the cloth diaper so when they do poop, you just use a wet wipe to grab it and take it out. They're biodegradable and perfectly save to flush in the toilet however I just stick the whole thing in the diaper genie. I’ve been asked before why it is that I don’t use cloth wipes since I cloth diaper. For us, it is much easier at home and on the go to just pick up the diaper liner with a wet wipe and throw it away in the diaper genie than it would be to use a cloth wipe and clean the mess that way. A lot of moms do use cloth wipes and absolutely love it, but for us, it’s a lot easier to use disposable wipes.
My whole reasoning for wanting to cloth diaper my son was because I wanted to be able to do something for him that would benefit him in the long run. I had a horrible, difficult time breastfeeding and had to stop when he was 2 ½ months old. To say it crushed me would be an understatement but at that point I had little to no resources as far as breastfeeding went and I stopped. Cloth diapering, I felt as though, gave me a second and I felt like it was bettering my son. I love that we’ll never have to buy another diaper for him and that these diapers will fit him until he's potty trained. I plan on using them for our second child so to me spending $400-500 on a set of diapers was well worth it. In average you'd spend that much on disposables in a year and that's just for one child. I do wash about every 2-3 days for diapers alone and last month our water bill was only $25. I have been using Rockin Green Detergent for the diapers and I only have to buy it once ever few months for $14. The liners, depending on how frequently I use them, can last me up to two months so when you add it together detergent ($14), liners ($6) and a portion of the water bill (maybe $10 or so) is still cheaper than a box of diapers and that's what I'd spend for about a month and a half to two months. I love cloth diapering so much that I plan on cloth diapering our next baby from birth in the hospital. If you were on the fence about whether or not cloth diapering would be a good switch for your family, I hope that this post helped convince you that it really is simple. Please feel free to ask any questions below, I would be happy to answer them.
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