*Mommys Craft Obsession did not receive any compensation for the brands mentioned in this post*

Being at home 24/7 with a toddler is truly a blessing, although some days it feels like can feel like being in a cage with a small rabid animal. Okay maybe not rabid, but man do these little ones have energy! Little Mister and I love spending our mornings being lazy together, eating breakfast and watching a Mickey Mouse or two before mommy's game show (the Price is Right, yes I am an old lady in training) comes on. Obviously every day isn't spent lounging around, but on the days that we do have nothing planned I really strive to give Little Mister some creative stimulation to help with his development whether it's working with him on with homemade flash cards, working with him on colors, counting various objects, or our newest favorite venture, expressing ourself through painting!